December 2008
Professor uses plagiarism detection software to find troubles at the draft stage
A more nuanced statement of practice about student travel is in the works
They say their ambiguous status at universities leads to low pay and other concerns
If Michaël Imbeault got a dollar – even a dime – every time somebody visited his new website, he’d be rich. But the Université Laval doctoral student says he’s satisfied, for now at least, with the knowledge that he’s providing a free service that is helping people everywhere learn more about his favourite subject – […]
In the age of box-office hits featuring advanced computer-generated imagery, a “special effects” medium from the past is making a comeback, and University of Manitoba professor Jim Bugslag is playing a key role in its return to the limelight. “Medieval stained glass was a special-effects medium that really wowed people in the Middle Ages and […]
The poems of William Blake (1757-1827) are celebrated as some of the finest in the English language, but what is not well known by scholars is that he set many of his poems to music. “Some of his contemporaries talk in their memoirs about hearing Blake sing these songs at literary salons in London,” says […]
Gilbert Arbez loves his job. As a full-time “teaching associate” at the University of Ottawa’s school of information technology and engineering, Mr. Arbez has spent the past five years teaching undergraduate courses in computer science, software engineering and computer engineering. “I worked for many years in a lab with machines all day,” he says. “Now […]
Sometimes a teacher can learn from his students. For Dalton Kehoe, an award-winning communications studies professor at York University, the opportunity to record his lectures newscaster-style in a professional studio seemed like a great idea – until he solicited student feedback on the finished product. “I like teaching and I have all kinds of awards […]
Why job prospects for philosophy grads are brightening
Creative writing students at UBC strike compromise with the university to protect their future works
Research share significantly higher than the average for other OECD countries
An expert offers her top 10 tips to improve your grant writing skills