Career Advice
Two scholars question the premise of research universities as knowledge creators and disseminators.
Regardless of how hard we try, graduate student parents often feel at odds while trying to mend the gap between academia and parenthood.
When asked by students for advice on email etiquette, I tell them to stick to the three golden C’s: be clear, concise, and courteous.
A few tips that can help PhD mothers complete some of the major dissertation milestones.
After receiving advice to buckle down until I got tenure, I wish I had stopped to raise my head every once in a while.
“We’re looking for people who have had distinctions and who hopefully bring relevant policy experience,” says Patrick Borbey.
Interested in becoming a scientific adviser? Here are some points to keep in mind from Quebec’s chief scientist.
When students don’t participate, neither they nor their peers can learn as much.
Before you even print off the application forms to request funding for your research project, take some time to review these tips.
“It’s difficult to know what you’re truly passionate about until you try it.”
How to improve your shot at a research training award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Why ongoing support is important while navigating an academic career.
While at Congress 2017, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council hosted a Career Corner presentation called “SSHRC Talent: Scholarships, Fellowships and Beyond.” The two presenters, Melissa Dubreuil, the an acting manager of the Research Training Portfolio, and Stephanie Robertson, a SSHRC program officer, highlighted 10 tips to ensure a successful SSHRC application, as well […]
A York University professor has coined the term “redirection” to reflect the new, emerging stage of one’s career that occurs after traditional retirement.
Don’t forget the faculty.
More journals should invite mid-level and junior scholars to join.
How to create a targeted resumé for industry positions.
It may well be the single most important predictor of well-being in academia.
Engaging with students – both inside and outside the classroom – who are continually linked in to social media and online devices presents a range of opportunities, challenges and pitfalls.
A study of tenure and tenure-track faculty in history and English departments.