Welcome to the Dean’s Podcast – the podcast about issues shaping graduate studies in Canada.
In this episode, host Carolyn Watters, Dalhousie University dean of graduate studies, and 2009 Canadian Association of Graduate Studies president, talks to Tom Erickson, an interaction designer and researcher at IBM. Tom is part of a growing number of people who telecommute to work.
By simply switching on his home computer and picking up the phone, he is already at the office. Using a variety of tools, he coordinates projects and attends meetings around the world. Listen as he explains the good, the bad and the ugly of being a telecommuter. (Running time: 20:39 mins).
If you’d like to get in touch with Carolyn about something you heard in the podcast, click here to e-mail her. Or, you can leave a comment in the forum below.
You can follow Carolyn and her colleague, associate dean Dieter Pelzer, at the Deans’ Blog, an intelligent and illuminating weekly take on issues affecting graduate students, post docs, and their supervisors at Dalhousie.
Theme music for the Dean’s Podcast by Derek K. Miller.