University Affairs is published bilingually as a print and digital magazine 4 times during each academic year with continual online updates at University a weekly digest of new content through the University Affairs Newsletter. University Affairs gives advertisers unrivaled access to a loyal readership that includes every segment of Canada’s university community.
Advertise next to our award-winning coverage of university news, research, teaching and people and watch your brand’s recognition grow on campuses across Canada. Smart advertising begins with University Affairs.
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17,000+ copies of qualified circulation*
30,000+ higher education readers
*Circulation is verified and certified by an independent third party, the CCAB. a division of BPA international
Promote your product or service, highlight a conference/event, or increase your institution’s brand awareness through run-of-site banner ads.
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Average monthly impressions 90,000
Banner ads 920 x 70 pixels
Box ads 300-250
Limited editorial positions available
Exclusive section positions available
Sponsor an e-newsletter and reach our most engaged readers that are weekly subscribers to our “At A Glance” e-newsletter
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Includes a 300×250 pixel banner plus 100 words of text
Full campaign reporting available to advertisers
Sponsored content is available on our website and in our e-newsletters offering advertisers the opportunity to publish high quality and relevant content for our online audience.
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750 words of text plus graphics (client supplied)
One-month integrated placement in relevant editorial section plus
Archived placement in Sponsored Content section at bottom of home page
Social media promotion once on every channel
E-Newsletter placements priced separately
Writing services available for additional fee
All content subject to editorial guidelines and approval prior to publishing
University Affairs is growing its brand reach! Be an anchor partner in these new products and features!
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The Academic Issue (English podcast)- host-read and ad placements available per episode or series*
Campus a la une (French podcast) – host-read and ad placements available per episode or series
Magazine Digital Edition – exclusive cover email ad placement